Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Vant to Suck Your Blood! :B

*Spoilers ahead. You have been warned*

I know vampires are old, but you have to try this game out if you're willing to play a vampire. Also, this game is for people 18+ and I'm sure you'll all follow the rating label. (Can you hear the sarcasm yet?)

Anyways, what game am I talking about? Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.Now for those who have heard of it, I'm sure you're rolling your eyes saying "This is so old." Those who haven't, well you should go check it out after you read this.

The game was made in 2004 (wow, it's so old...) and is a role playing action game. The company,  Troika Games, went out of business a year after this game was made. For an old game, the graphics and details are really good. The play and storyline is also very good. Ironically, this was one of their most popular and best games they had made since they started.

The game allows you to pick what kind of vampire you want. Each clan has certain characteristics or quirks that can help and hurt you during the game. You can play first or third person by pressing a button. The game is a story with quests to keep you going as well as side quests for fun. There are five possible endings for the game. I'll let you know that two cause you death while the others you live. You play as a newly turned Kindred (AKA: vampire) who must find his/her own path through the world. There are a tone of monsters to kill and quests to do as well as game made characters you'll meet. Now a brief talk about each vampire clan...

Brujah: They're known to be very violent and the weakness is rage. They frenzy, killing rampage, much quicker than other clans. Brujah tend to be rebels and go against the hierarchy in the vampire world.

Gangrel: They have the ability to shapeshift and prefer the wild. They are the closet to werewolves. Werewolves do exist in the game, but they're not a playable character. Like the Brujah, they are prone to frenzy since they're embrace the animal side more.

Malkavian: Known to be cursed with insanity, if you pick them the way your character speaks
will be in riddles. It takes time to truly understand what is being said and you made end up picking some wrong choices. Malkavians also have the ability to see into the future though they can't really understand what they're seeing.

Nosferatu: The clan is cursed with hideous appearances. Picking to play this clan will force you to stay in the shadows and sewers for every human will run away from you. You have no seduction points and being shot at by police isn't anything new. Though they're ugly, they are good at stealth and espionage.

Toreador: They are the social butterflies of the vampire world. They're weakness, which to me is stupid, is they are prone to struggle to avoid looking at things of great beauty. They are also closer to humans to the other clans, so humanity can be lost faster if you do something considered inhumane which will cause you to go into frenzy.

Tremere: They are sorcerers in a sense. Their clan is hated by all the other clans because of their history of how they became blood sorcerers. Their weakness isn't really clear to me, so I'm not sure they have one.

Ventrue: Also known as the aristocrats in the vampire world. They are part of the highest part in the hierarchy next to the "prince." Playing a Ventrue means you can't drink blood from animals or bums. They have refined taste and need "high ranking" blood or they'll just throw up.

The game itself is pretty interesting. I played as a Malkavian the first time. The outfits they can get are so weird. I mean one is a cowgirl outfit without pants, so I was basically having my character run around butt naked. The dialogue is a bit weird and you can kind of troll other people; it's fun though. You can choose to fight barehanded or acquire a variety of firearms and swords/knives. You can even get a flamethrower! I'm not going to spoil anymore of the game. 

If you like vampires or just want a good role playing action game, try this out. It's pretty fun and takes a lot of time to complete. Even if you die, you can just restart where you last saved. I really enjoyed playing out all the endings and trying out different clans.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a cool and scary game. Based on the description and the cover of the game make it seem very thrilling and interesting!
